In Dead Rising 3, the co-op player controls Dick Baker.Ģ) When you have done that, and when the co-op is finally available the game should prompt you on how to invite friends. In Off the Record and Case West one player controls Chuck Greene and the other controls Frank West. Players are able to import a Chuck from their game files.
In Dead Rising 2, both players play as Chuck. A bit odd, how they made it that way, if you ask me, but thats the way it works. ģ)Note that only the host gets to save his story progress, the other player just keeps his level and money, and he will have to do missions from the start if he decides to play the game alone. Players are able to import a Chuck from their game files In Off the Record and Case West one player controls Chuck Greene and the other controls Frank West. 3)Note that only the host gets to save his story progress, the other player just keeps his level and money, and he will have to do missions from the start if he decides to play the game alone. 2) When you have done that, and when the co-op is finally available the game should prompt you on how to invite friends.